As 400 palavras mais usadas no Nível Básico de Inglês
Partes do Discurso (Parts of Speech)

1. Substantivos (Nouns)
- Pessoas:*
- Família: mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin
- Amigos: friend, classmate, neighbor, colleague
- Profissões: teacher, student, doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, firefighter, police officer, chef, waiter
- Outros: baby, child, teenager, adult, man, woman, boy, girl, person, people
- Lugares:*
- Casa: house, room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, garage, garden
- Escola: school, classroom, library, gym, playground
- Cidade: city, town, street, park, store, restaurant, hospital, church, museum, theater
- Natureza: tree, flower, plant, animal, bird, fish, insect, sky, sun, moon, star, water, river, lake, ocean, mountain, forest
- Coisas:*
- Objetos: table, chair, bed, desk, book, pen, pencil, computer, phone, car, bus, train, plane, boat, clothes, shoes, bag, money
- Comida: apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon, lemon, mango, pineapple, potato, carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, bread, rice, pasta, meat, chicken, fish, milk, cheese, egg
- Animais: dog, cat, bird, fish, horse, cow, pig, sheep, chicken, duck, lion, tiger, elephant, monkey, bear
- Tempo:*
- Dias da semana: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Meses do ano: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Estações do ano: spring, summer, autumn, winter
- Outros: day, night, week, month, year, time, hour, minute, second, today, yesterday, tomorrow
2. Verbos (Verbs)
- Ações:*
- Básicos: be, have, do, go, come, see, hear, speak, eat, drink, sleep, walk, run, jump, swim, fly, drive, read, write, learn, teach, work, play, study, think, know, understand, remember, forget, want, need, like, love, hate, feel, say, tell, ask, answer, help, give, take, put, get, make, find, keep, start, finish, open, close, buy, sell, pay
- Estados:*
- Ser/Estar: am, is, are, was, were, been
- Ter: have, has, had
- Fazer: do, does, did
- Ir: go, goes, went, gone
- Vir: come, comes, came, come
- Modais:*
- Can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must
3. Adjetivos (Adjectives)
- Características:*
- Tamanho: big, small, tall, short, long, short, high, low, wide, narrow, heavy, light
- Idade: old, young, new
- Aparência: beautiful, pretty, handsome, ugly, good-looking
- Personalidade: happy, sad, angry, excited, tired, bored, hungry, thirsty, friendly, kind, nice, mean, lazy, hard-working, intelligent, stupid, funny, serious, shy, confident
- Qualidade: good, bad, great, terrible, important, difficult, easy, interesting, boring
- Cores:*
- red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, orange, purple, pink, brown, gray
4. Advérbios (Adverbs)
- Modo:*
- quickly, slowly, carefully, easily, well, badly, loudly, quietly, happily, sadly
- Tempo:*
- now, then, yesterday, today, tomorrow, soon, later, early, late, always, never, often, sometimes, usually, rarely
- Lugar:*
- here, there, everywhere, nowhere, inside, outside, up, down, around, away
- Frequência:*
- always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
5. Pronomes (Pronouns)
- Pessoais:*
- I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them
- Possessivos:*
- my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
- Demonstrativos:*
- Interrogativos:*
- who, what, where, when, why, how
- Relativos:*
6. Preposições (Prepositions)
- Lugar:*
- in, on, at, by, near, far, above, below, under, over, behind, in front of, next to, between, among
- Tempo:*
- at, on, in, by, before, after, during, until, since, for, from, to, past, around
- Direção:*
- to, from, into, out of, through, across, along, up, down, towards, away from, around
- Relação:*
- of, with, without, about, for, against, like, as, than, because of, due to, instead of
7. Conjunções (Conjunctions)
- Coordenação:*
- and, but, or, nor, so, yet, for
- Subordinação:*
- although, because, before, after, while, when, if, unless, since, as, that, whether, where, why
- Correlação:*
- both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, whether...or
8. Artigos (Articles)
- Definidos:*
- Indefinidos:*
9. Interjeições (Interjections)
- Expressões:*
- oh, ah, ouch, wow, oops, hello, goodbye, please, thank you, you're welcome, excuse me
Como usar esta lista
- Comece com o básico: Domine as palavras mais comuns em cada categoria antes de passar para as mais complexas.
- Pratique a pronúncia: Ouça a pronúncia correta das palavras e pratique a sua própria pronúncia.Ver Dicionários:Linguee:
- Merriam Webster:
- Forvo -
- Use as palavras em contexto: Tente usar as palavras em frases e conversas para fixar o aprendizado.
- Leia e ouça inglês: Quanto mais você ler e ouvir inglês, mais palavras novas você aprenderá.
- Não tenha medo de errar: Errar faz parte do aprendizado. O importante é continuar praticando.
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